Michelle Walling named Ingram’s Magazine 40 Under Forty

Our own Michelle Walling, Sr. Technical Manager, was honored as an Ingram’s 40 Under Forty recipient. The award recognizes the achievements and promise of Kansas City’s young executives, professionals and community leaders. During her 15 years at KCNSC, Michelle has earned five promotions - a true testament to her work ethic and leadership abilities.

 Michelle’s career path is impressive and starts early. At the beginning of her career as an engineer, Michelle was accepted into an elite national program to train our country’s future leaders that watch over and guide the nuclear deterrent. After returning from this program, Michelle was entrusted with managing a $4 million annual budget by serving as the project lead on a challenging product line. Michelle thrived in this role by ensuring a 100% on-time product delivery while staying on budget. Currently, Michelle is leading the new Advanced and Exploratory Systems Engineering program – a program she helped create. Her strong relationships with partners ensures close collaborations and a powerful sense of trust for new national security programs.

 Michelle and her husband are the proud parents of three young children who keep them both very busy. Despite the challenges of parenthood and work, Michelle still finds time to be highly engaged in her community. She’s a graduate of Central Exchange’s Emerging Leaders Program and the 2018 Leadership South Kansas City Program. Michelle also serves on various alumni panels to seek out new engineering talent at her alma mater, The University of Missouri-Columbia.  Michelle is very deserving of such a great honor – we are lucky to have her as part of our team! 

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