W76-1/Mk4A Arming Fuzing Subsystem production completed on-time, on-budget

The Kansas City National Security Campus (KCNSC) announced the completion of the Navy-sponsored Arming Fuzing Subsystem in support of the W76-1/Mk4A Life Extension Program (LEP). This monumental milestone achievement represents a 14+ year effort by NNSA, Sandia National Laboratories and Honeywell employees to finish on time and under budget.

For the past decade and a half, the Kansas City National Security Campus, which is managed by Honeywell, has played a vital role in the W76-1 Life Extension Program to refurbish identified aging issues and incorporate nuclear surety enhancements. The Arming Fuzing Subsystem is a complex electro-mechanical assembly consisting of five Printed Wiring Assemblies, six flat flex cables, and metal structure components which are all encapsulated in a rigid foam. It integrates the weapon's radar, programmer, and timer in a single compact assembly.

The continued success with the W76-1 Life Extension Program is key to the United States' nuclear deterrent. The W76 warhead was first introduced into the stockpile in 1978. It continues to serve a key role in the submarine-launched ballistic missile force structure of the U.S. nuclear deterrent's triad.

The W76-1 Life Extension Program involves engineers, scientists and technicians from NNSA's Kansas City National Security Campus, Pantex Plant, the Y-12 National Security Complex, Savannah River Site, Los Alamos National Laboratory and Sandia National Laboratories.

The primary goals of the W76-1 Life Extension Program are to extend the original warhead service life from 20 to 60 years, address identified aging issues, and meet requirements identified by the U.S. Strategic Command (STRATCOM). In addition, the goals of the program are to incorporate nuclear surety enhancements, maximize reuse of W76-0 components, minimize system certification risk in the absence of underground nuclear testing, and refurbish the system in a managed affordable manner.

As a key part of its national security mission, NNSA, through its Office of Defense Programs, ensures that the U.S. nuclear arsenal meets the country's national security requirements and continues to serve its essential deterrence role.

See the W76-1 Fact Sheet.

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