Shred event protects employee info, the environment
Honeywell’s focus goes beyond protecting our country’s nuclear weapons arsenal. The safety and well-being of the Honeywell team is also a top priority, which is why we say mission first, people always.
Rates of identity fraud continue to rise. I fact, there were 16.7 million U.S victims in 2017, which is an all-time high. Helping employees safeguard their personal and confidential info is one way Honeywell puts its people first.
In late-August, employees cleaned out home offices, file cabinets and shoe boxes, and filled parking lot dumpsters with sensitive documents like ATM and credit card receipts, bank statements and medical records. The papers were securely shredded and recycled on-site.
Protecting confidential employee info was a key goal of the shred event. But so was reinforcing Honeywell’s commitment to protecting the environment.
ProShred Environmental Security, our event partner, reported that Honeywell employees recycled more than 5,500 pounds of paper during the shred event, saving 46 mature trees from destruction. In recognition of our commitment to the well-being of employees and the environment, ProShred presented Honeywell with its “Treesaver” certificate.