MSIPP program helps launch careers in STEM

In an ongoing effort to build a sustainable STEM pipeline between NNSA’s sites/labs and historically black colleges and universities (HBCUs), the Kansas City National Security Campus helped form the Advanced Manufacturing Consortium under the NNSA’s Minority Serving Institution Partnership Program (MSIPP).

MSIPP provides access to advanced facilities and technology, along with financial support through grants, to students studying STEM fields. The program helps launch careers – ensuring a diverse group of hard-working, new graduates are well acquainted with job opportunities at NNSA.

This year, there were 7 students from 3 HBCUs in the Advanced Manufacturing Consortium who participated in the KCNSC summer internship program. These students were given assignments in Physical Properties Testing, Product Design, and Modeling & Simulation – three key focus areas for the KCNSC in the support of continued Advanced Manufacturing Technology. At the end of the summer, students showcased the projects they worked on over the course of their internships with research presentations.

In 2019, KCNSC will be supporting 3 MSIPP consortiums and 1 partnership, including the Pipeline Development of Skilled Workforce in STEM through Advanced Manufacturing (STEAM). We will continue to support the Advanced Manufacturing Network, a consortium focused on Tribal, Colleges, and Universities in its third year.  Additionally, we are supporting the Partnership for Research and Education Consortium in Ceramics and Polymers, a new material science consortium which focuses on a hybrid of HBCUs and Hispanic Speaking Institutes.

The MSIPP is designed to enrich the STEM capabilities in a sustainable manner that aligns with the broad interests of NNSA sites and emphasizes the entire career pipeline. The partnership also provides STEM students with the cutting edge resources and technology housed at NNSA facilities, ultimately increasing STEM student retention. 

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