Kansas City National Security Campus Expands Operations

In a rapidly changing, increasingly complex and uncertain global security environment, the mission of the National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA) to ensure the safety, security, and military effectiveness of the U.S. nuclear deterrent is more important than ever.
To help execute that mission, the NNSA has initiated a multi-year, multi-phase plan to expand its manufacturing capacity and office space necessary to sustain continued production growth at the Kansas City National Security Campus (KCNSC).
As NNSA delivers on its stockpile modernization program, it depends on its network of facilities to design, test, and produce the components critical to maintain that deterrent. As a key production agency in the enterprise, the KCNSC requires capacity growth to meet those needs.
The Kansas City Non-Nuclear Expansion Transformation (KC NExT) project is envisioned to ultimately add approximately 2.5 million square feet of office and manufacturing space to accommodate employees currently located at other facilities and potential future workforce growth.
Since completing the move to the KCNSC Botts Road Campus location in 2014, the KCNSC has experienced significant growth in workload and personnel to support NNSA’s planned modernization of the nuclear deterrent. The campus was sized for one weapon modernization program in production and one weapon modernization program in development. KCNSC now supports 7 warhead modernization programs as well as other stockpile stewardship activities, including the modernization program for the Mk21. The number of employees also grew from 2,400 to more than 7,000 during this period.
The NNSA is using production and infrastructure modernization programs to intentionally create a more flexible and resilient enterprise that can respond to unforeseen changes in mission requirements at the pace of the threat. This agile delivery method allows KCNSC to adapt to future mission demands with each delivery phase.
NNSA entered into an agreement with Promontory 150 LLC to purchase land and develop facilities immediately East of the KCNSC Botts Road location. The developer-led property construction of Phase 1 of KC NExT's multi-phased approach is expected to be complete in mid-2026. It is envisioned a new phase will be started every year.
These NNSA investments in KCNSC's infrastructure will increase our flexibility and resilience, meet production schedules safely, introduce modern and efficient technologies while exercising fiscal responsibility.