Honeywell's HOPE Program Proves Successful in Manufacturing Sector

Kongpheng Vang was in his senior year of high school when his teacher introduced the group of students to the Honeywell Opportunity for Prosperity through Education (HOPE) Scholarship program. Kongpheng’s class learned the HOPE program prepares students for skilled positions at the Kansas City National Security Campus (KCNSC) where science, technology and innovation converge to provide jobs in modern manufacturing while supporting national security.

Kongpheng also learned that once students were selected into the HOPE program, they are matched with a mentor to guide and prepare students for an exciting career in manufacturing. Mentors get to know their students on a personal level by spending time helping them identify the right career path and encouraging them throughout their training.

Once Kongpheng saw the presentation and the benefits of the HOPE scholarship, he was intrigued to fill out an application to learn more about the qualifications and applying. It’s a good thing Kongpheng did because he was accepted into the HOPE program and after finishing his mentorship, accepted a full-time offer to start in October at the KCNSC as an Adjuster Assembler.

“Applying for the HOPE scholarship seemed like a no-brainer to me,” Kongpheng said. “I saw it as a great way to receive financial help and guidance to get through college and begin a career in the industry I always saw myself in – and with no debt!”

Kongpheng credits his mentor, Norman Kump, Manufacturing Manager, with helping him secure his path in manufacturing. “If it wasn’t for Norman, I don’t believe I’d have a full-time job with a large company this early in my journey,” Kongpheng stated. “Norman provided me with opportunities I never would have found on my own, he’s amazing and I can’t wait to continue to learn from him.”

Kongpheng will always feel a connection to the HOPE program and any students receiving this life-changing scholarship. He encourages future students to stay connected with their mentor because he/she can be beneficial with advice regarding school, career and even life choices.

The HOPE scholarship program was created in 2017 to help build a pipeline of young talent for manufacturing positions in the Kansas City metro and Albuquerque, New Mexico areas. Kongpheng is KCNSC’s second hire out of four total through the HOPE scholarship program.

To learn more about the scholarship, visit

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