Environmental Stewardship
The Kansas City National Security Campus (KCNSC) environmental stewardship goals are to:
- Protect human health and the environment while maintaining the country's ability to defend against enemies
- Preserve, protect and make accessible records and information impacting the environment
- Manage land and assets, emphasizing safety and responsibility and informed impact on the environment
The Kansas City National Security Campus
KCNSC is comprised of facilities in the greater Kansas City and Albuquerque, New Mexico and is responsible for manufacturing and procuring non-nuclear components for nuclear weapons, including electronic, mechanical and engineered material components. KCNSC complies with all current federal, state and local environment regulations and standards.
Annual Site Environmental Summary
The Annual Site Environmental Summary (ASES) is a summary of the Department of Energy’s (DOE) National Nuclear Security Administration’s (NNSA) Kansas City National Security Campus (KCNSC) environmental programs, activities, and compliance status for the calendar year.
The ASES is prepared annually as information for the general public and other stakeholders to:
- Summarize the results of environmental compliance and monitoring programs;
- Characterize site environmental management performance;
- Provide compliance status with applicable environmental standards and requirements;
- Highlight significant achievements, programs, and efforts which go beyond regulatory requirements; and
- Provide an overview of quality assurance.
If you have any questions, please contact us at NEPA.Comments@kcnsc.doe.gov.
- KCNSC Annual Site Environmental Summary CY2020
- KCNSC Annual Site Environmental Summary CY2021
- KCNSC Annual Site Environmental Summary CY2022
- KCNSC Annual Site Environmental Summary CY2023
National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA)
To further transparency and openness in its implementation of the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), the DOE has established a policy with regard to the online posting of categorical exclusion determinations. KCNSC has elected to post all applicable determinations made by the Kansas City Field Office (KCFO) made in the last five years listed below:
Environmental Assessment (EA)
- DOE/EA-2231 SWEA Site-Wide Environmental Assessment for The Kansas City National Security Campus - New Mexico Operations, February 2024
- DOE/EA-2225: Final Environmental Assessment for the Kansas City National Security Campus Assessment of KC NExT October, 2023
- DOE/EA-2167: Kansas City National Security Campus Sitewide Assessment of Botts and Building 23 Operations; Jackson County, Missouri, July 26, 2021.
- DOE/EA-1592-S1, Supplemental Environmental Analysis for the Relocation and Performance of KCNSC Operations in Building 23, Kansas City, Missouri, September 2019
- DOE/EA-1592: Modernization of Facilities and Infrastructure for the Non-Nuclear Production Activities Conducted at the Kansas City Plant, April 2008
Categorical Exclusion (CX) Determinations
KCNSC25-03, Main Campus Tank Farm, new LN2 tank to the gaseous nitrogen (GN2) system – FY2025
KCNSC25-02, Acquisition of 2301 Buena Vista Dr. SE (two Buildings), in Albuquerque, NM. – FY2025
KCNSC25-01, Routine Operating and Administrative Activities (ROAA) – FY2025
- KCNSC24-04, Project 18070, Permanent Support for Back-Up Generator for Data Center
- KCNSC24-03, Installation of Dry Multi-material Printer for Printed Electronics Development
- KCNSC24-02, Project 16947, Sandia Classified Remote Hub Modular Facility
- KCNSC24-01, Routine Operating and Administrative Activities (ROAA) – FY2024
- KCNSC23-06, Preliminary Real Estate Plans, Building 23 Easements
- KCNSC23-05, NA-84 Lease at 2301 Buena Vista in Albuquerque, NM
- KCNSC23-04, New Mexico Operations Air Park Facility Lease Renewal
- KCNSC23-03, Project 16069, Remediate OA issues in 2.K101
- KCNSC23-02, Project 15679, B23 Exterior Waste Management Shelter
- KCNSC23-01, Routine Operating and Administrative Activities (ROAA) CY2023 - 06/22/2023
- KCNSC22-05 RECOD OF CX Determination Property Transfer Bldg 20397-20401+SNFO-KCFO
- KCNSC22-03 RECORD OF CX determination Parking Lot S Bldg9 040422
- KCNSC22-04 RECORD OF CX determination UAE Engine Testing - MoC 971
- KCNSC22-02 RECORD OF CX determination Purchase-B23
- KCNSC22-01 RECORD OF CX determination IP001-ROAA-CY2022
- KCNSC21-05, Project #10806 - Enclose Bldg 6, 08/17/2021
- 07/20/2021 Kansas City National Security Campus (KSCNSC) MoC #544 - B23 Vibration and Geotechnical Engineering Study KCNSC21-04
- 05/19/2021, Kansas City National Security Campus (KCNSC) – 10106 TA-193 Site clean-up & fence repairs, KCNSC21-03
- 1/27/2021, Kansas City National Security Campus (KCNSC) and New Mexico Operations (NMO), Routine Operating and Administrative Activities (ROAA), KCNSC21-02
- 11/12/2020, Kansas City National Security Campus (KCNSC) Cleanbox Usage at Bldg 1 and Bldg 22, KCNSC21-01
- 10/5/2020, Kansas City National Security Campus (KCNSC) Prep and Launch Research Rockets Offsite, KCNSC20-03
- 08/19/2020, Kansas City National Security Campus (KCNSC) Record of NEPA CX Determination, KCNSC20-02
- 01/06/2020, Kansas City National Security Campus (KCNSC) and New Mexico Operations (NMO) - Routine Operating and Administrative Activities (ROAA), KCNSC20-01
- 07/17/19, Project 7236 - Parking Lot G Expansion & Truck Ramp Removal, KCNSC19-04
- 01/24/2019, RF-UHF Operations, KCNSC18-06
- 01/24/2019, TA-193 Infrastructure, KCNSC18-05
- 10/9/2018, Project 6283 - Modifications to Building 9, Canopy, Signage & Gate F, KCNSC19-02
- 09/20/2018, Routine Operating and Administrative Activities (ROAA), KCNSC19-01
- 08/30/2017, Powder Coating, Liquid Coating, and Curing System,KCNSC17-06
- 04/30/18, Northeast Parking Expansion, KCNSC18-04
- 04/26/18, Preliminary Real Estate Plan for University Offices, KCNSC18-03
- 02/15/2018, Prelim. Real Estate Plan for Additional Space Requirements for KCNSC Operations, KCNSC18-02
- 09/08/2017, Routine Operating and Administrative Activities (ROAA). KCNSC18-01
- 08/09/2017, Preliminary Real Estate Plan (PREP) for Craddock Facilities A,B,C, KCNSC17-05
- 07/27/2017, Missouri Relay Station Decommissioning and Transfer, KCNSC17-04
- 10/31/2016, Prelim. Real Estate for Additional Space Req. for KCNSC Operations, KCNSC17-03
- 10/18/2016, Install Spray Booth, KCNSC17-02
- 10/18/2016, Routine Operating and Administrative Activities (ROAA), KCNSC17-01
Bannister Federal Complex
After the Bannister Federal Complex property, including the Kansas City plant was vacated, the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) worked to accomplish a timely, cost-effective transfer to accelerate revitalization of the property. Working with the state and federal regulators, DOE also worked to ensure complete and effective remediation of legacy contamination.
In 2017, the DOE transferred ownership of the Bannister Federal Complex property to Bannister Transformation and Development LLC (BT&D), a private developer for demolition, remediation and redevelopment. For more information about the property transfer or environmental remediation, please visit BT&D or Missouri Department of Natural Resources. Inquiries may also be directed to Sybil Newchurch Chandler at (816) 488-3417 or Kingsley Edwards at (816) 488-4200.