Employee Spotlight: Alan Moore

While KCNSC Internal Auditor Alan Moore was driving home one evening from Lawrence, Kansas, a sign off in the distance caught his attention. The sign read, ‘Volunteers Needed’ at Midnight Farm. Alan wasn’t sure what Midnight Farm was, however, it intrigued him enough to want to learn more. Once he did, it forever changed his life.

“I learned that Midnight Farm was a multi-purpose facility that serves individuals with developmental disabilities,” Alan said. “When my sons were old enough and didn’t need me around the house anymore, I gave it a try. Volunteering at Midnight Farm was my first exposure to horses on a regular basis. I thought it was really interesting, and the rest they say, is history.”

Today, Alan serves as a volunteer at least once a week at Heartland Therapeutic Riding (HTR)  located in Overland Park, Kansas. HTR is a nonprofit organization that provides equine-assisted activities and therapies including adaptive riding lessons, interactive vaulting, horsemanship classes and occupational therapy through hippotherapy. Alan sees a lot of similarities in the teamwork culture at KCNSC and his volunteering activities. He’s inspired how people around him are always willing to learn new things and work together. 

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